How to make money from blogging

Whether you’re starting a blog as a side hustle or trying to make a living from it, this thorough tutorial will walk you through practical steps for how to start a blog and increase your readership. Then, you’ll learn how to generate money with your website traffic using powerful tools.
Affiliate Income
For those who don’t know, if you discover a product or service that you enjoy, you may link to it from your blog and receive a little commission each time someone clicks through and purchases something.
This is a wonderful method to generate money online in the beginning since you don’t need a large number of visitors to your website.
If you have the proper content, a blog article may just take 100 visitors to read it and if one of them clicks and purchases one of the products that you suggest, you’ll earn money.
Sell Digital Products
The easiest approach to generate money blogging is to sell digital items. This might be a PDF, plans or instructions, applications, online courses, or even an eBook; the specifics don’t matter. The concept here is that you offer your own goods for sale on your website and persuade people to purchase them by claiming there’s enough value.
Sell a Course
The fourth approach to earning money with a blog is to sell a course. This is self-evident, but if you have a blog on a certain topic and people come to your site and like your material, they’ll see you as an expert.
When they do so, you may almost certainly sell a course to them. The goal is to give useful information in such a way that your audience follows you and respects your recommendations. There will be a portion of your followers who will gladly purchase a course from you if they perceive that you’re giving them valuable advice.
Display Ads
Next are display advertisements, which I don’t recommend for beginners because you won’t have a lot of visitors when you start your site and to be really successful with display advertising, you’ll need a lot of traffic. It’s one of the greatest methods to create truly passive revenue, however, it’s not my favorite since it doesn’t allow me to earn
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After your website has a decent amount of traffic or authority, you’ll discover that people will contact you and pay you to publish material they’ve produced on your site.